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  • Writer's pictureOphelia Vang


I wrote a long post about the death of Ryuichi Sakamoto, by which I am completely devastated.

I don’t think I can recreate the post, but instead, I’ll leave you with this:

“Reading is like the ground and soil for me and is foundational to my soul.”

Sakamoto said this in a Q&A with Commons.

We as artists are the people who touch things before they become sacred. While I often replenish my personal creative well with the waters of music, the relationship we have as artists and humans is one of exchange.

Sakamoto is a legend, and one of those people who makes you feel that feeling of “I’ll never be this good.” He is the difference between good artists and great, innovative artists.

By all accounts, he was a pleasant man, and I will leave the accounts of him personally to those who knew him, surely many of which are better artists than I.

My sorrow has been unyielding in the face of the reality that I have never and likely wouldn’t meet the man, but he represents countless hours of enjoyment with his music. I am so surprised that yet another member of the legendary YMO is gone so soon.

Continue to create innovatively, and full of both love and passion.

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